January 20, 2011
Baby Bedroom
I love this project! My friend Shannon had me paint a canvas for a friend's baby's first birthday. This design matches Baby Gracyn's room and bedding. I added ribbon and tulle with a rhinestone center for a way to hang the canvas.
Also, if you are into anything crafty, Shannon makes some cool wreaths that can be seen on her blog here. Check her out!
January 17, 2011
Christmas Coolers Continued
I love this set of three coolers I did for some good family friends, the Goodson's. These coolers are Christmas gifts for friends, and all have a similar beverage theme! I think they turned out well. These coolers are especially spectacular because my mother helped paint them! She was channelling her inner artist and helped fill in some of the "paint by number" basic outlines with color for me! Thanks mom!